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Do you trust AI?

Hey yโ€™allโ€”itโ€™s a wacky Wednesday with lots of misinformation and anti-trust concerns on the rise! Letโ€™s check it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

Todayโ€™s Menu

Appetizer: Google under fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Entrรฉe: U.S. Senate holds first AI briefing ๐Ÿ›

Dessert: Amazon reviews get an AI upgrade ๐Ÿ“ฆ


๐Ÿ“ Literally Anything: An AI creation tool that allows users to build any simple app, game, widget, or digital service directly in their browser with text. (check it out)

๐Ÿง  GigaBrain: This tool scans billions of discussions on reddit and other online communities to find the most useful posts and comments for you. (check it out)

๐Ÿ“Š Graphy: This tool offers AI-generated insights to analyze trends and patterns in datasets. Users can also customize the insights based on specific metrics and variables. (check it out)


Google search, one of our most trusted allies for quick information, might not be that trustworthy after all. ๐Ÿค”

What is happening? Many people are voicing concerns over Google's AI, which is gaining the ability to dictate what people see on the internet. This revelation has raised concerns among many regarding the potential impact on individual autonomy and democratic processes.

Why are people concerned? Google is thought by many to have a monopoly on internet searching. The company controls over 90% of the publisher ad-serving market and 92% of the internet search market. Given its wide use and its ability to control seen information, many are concerned Googleโ€™s use of AI has a dramatic impact on what users buy, what news they receive, and even how they vote. John C. Herman, of Herman Jones LLP, said, "From the search results, to the advertisements, to the web pages themselves, Google controls it all." Ronald Coleman, partner in Dhillon Law Group of Newark, added, "If there is any reason to have antitrust laws in the 21st century, Google is the reason."

As AI becomes more pervasive in our lives, it raises critical questions about the extent of its control and influence. Can we trust AI algorithms to provide unbiased and diverse information? Should corporations like Google have such power over individual choices and democratic processes? How can we ensure transparency and accountability in the development and deployment of AI technologies? And where, oh where, is the best place to order french fries? ๐ŸŸ


AI-generated deepfakes of political figures are penetrating the public sphere, and now the U.S. Senate is stepping in. ๐Ÿ›

Whatโ€™s up? The U.S. Senate held its first members-only briefing on AI yesterday amid security and election concerns.

Why are people concerned? People on both sides of the political isle have expressed concerns over AIโ€™s ability to influence public opinion and politics via fake images and videos which can influence the publicโ€™s opinion of a politician. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat, said, "On a scale of 1 to 10, I would put my fear at 10 so far as the potential abuses for impersonation, false visual images, deepfakes, voice cloning โ€ฆ Consumers deserve to know when the deepfakes and cloned voices occur." Additionally, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, a Republican, said is "biggest concern" is with how AI is "going to warp our political conversation."

Some conversation has been had about laws which require the labeling of AI-generated images or other ways of detection, but many say these kinds of ideas would stand no chance. While a solution is uncertain, one thing surely is: this is a big problem. ๐Ÿšจ


Q: What do you call two monkeys who share an Amazon account?

A: Prime mates.

Whatโ€™s up? Amazon is testing the use of generative AI to summarize product reviews, aiming to simplify the shopping process and provide customers with brief, informative summaries alongside the full reviews. By leveraging this technology, Amazon can extract key points and sentiments expressed by customers, saving time and effort for shoppers. ๐Ÿ›’

What are the concerns? Amazon has a few key points to improve on before this feature is made public. The technology's ability to capture the context of certain statements effectively and the potential reliance of customers solely on these summaries will be important aspects for Amazon to address through ongoing development.

As a frequent online shopper, I think this could be very useful โ€ฆ especially when Iโ€™m looking for a new air frier. ๐ŸŸ


The singularity meter drops slightly due to Senate AI Briefing

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