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Tropicana’s clever anti-AI campaign

Good morning! Are you looking for boring AI updates? If so, you’re in the wrong place, because here we keep it hot, hot, hot! 🔥

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Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Tropicana’s clever anti-AI campaign 🥤

Entrée: Google faces $7 billion lawsuit over AI 💸

Dessert: Maryland signs executive AI order ✍️


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Image: Tropicana

Orange you glad you found FryAI? 🍊

What’s up? Tropicana, the famous orange juice maker, has launched a unique marketing stunt. The company is temporarily rebranding itself as “Tropcn” by removing the letters “A” and “I” from its name in order to draw attention to its commitment to natural ingredients.

Why? This cheesy campaign aims to emphasize that there has never been anything artificial in Tropicana’s orange juice. As consumer preferences shift towards beverages with lower sugar and calorie content, traditional fruit juices face challenges. This marketing move aligns with this growing demand for products free of artificial ingredients, attempting to resonate with consumers seeking more natural options.


What do you get when you cross AI learning with angry humans? A great big mess. 😳

What’s going on? Google faces a pivotal trial in Boston as it contends with accusations of patent infringement related to processors powering its AI technology. The trial is expected to last about 3 weeks.

What is the accusation? Joseph Bates, a Massachusetts-based computer scientist who founded Singular Computing, alleges that Google copied his innovations to bolster AI features in flagship products like Google Search, Gmail, and Google Translate. Bates seeks a staggering $7 billion in damages, surpassing the U.S.’s largest-ever patent infringement award. The heart of the matter lies in whether Google’s Tensor Processing Units, integral to its AI capabilities since 2016, unlawfully incorporate Bates’ technology. Bates argues that Google’s later unit versions, introduced in 2017 and 2018, violate its patent rights. Google, however, dismisses these claims, deeming the patents “dubious” and asserting independent development over the past few years.

What is the significance? This issue runs parallel to the lawsuit between the New York Times and OpenAI over illegal use of their content to train AI models. Expect more lawsuits to break out in the coming weeks and months as the lines between ownership of content and AI development continue to be blurred.


“We are going to do something about the risks associated with AI!” … blah, blah, blah. 💤

What happened? Maryland Governor Wes Moore signed an executive order, outlining fundamental principles and values aimed at ensuring responsible and ethical use of AI within state operations.

What was the order? In his statement, Governor Moore acknowledged the potential apprehension associated with terms like “AI” and “cyber” but stressed that the technology is already present. He urged a shift from a reactive to a proactive stance over AI, emphasizing the administration’s commitment to leading in the implementation of these advancements.

“Here’s the thing: This technology is already here; the only question is whether we are going to be reactive or proactive in this moment.”

-Wes Moore, Governor of Maryland

What does this mean? In short, this executive order means absolutely nothing. These sort of executive orders are becoming more of a means to lip service for governmental leaders to cover their reputations rather than any guide to definitive action. At the end of the day, nobody is quite sure how to handle the regulatory and legal aspects of AI. In the meantime, however, these attempts are quite amusing.



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