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OpenAI previews Voice Engine

Good morning, and welcome to a fresh week of AI exploration! The AI wilderness is ripe with updates, so shall we begin our journey? 🏔️

(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, articles, videos, and more…)

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: OpenAI previews Voice Engine 🎙️

Entrée: Microsoft and OpenAI to build $115 billion supercomputer 💻

Dessert: Musk’s Grok-1.5 ready to be released 🤖


👁️ Focusin Work: Use AI to keep you focused and monitor your study/work sessions. → check it out

🗣️ FakeYou: Have Mickey Mouse and others say whatever you want them to. → check it out

🥗 Fuddle: An AI-powered nutritionist. → check it out


In the midst of March Madness, OpenAI has come to play. 🏀

What’s new? OpenAI has unveiled a preview of Voice Engine, a revolutionary tool which offers synthetic speech generation capabilities.

How does it work? From just a 15-second recording, Voice Engine is capable of mimicking speech that sounds very similar to the original voice. This voice can be used to read text prompts, even if they are not in the speaker’s native language.

The beautiful:

This Voice Engine technology exhibits vast potential across various domains, from aiding children with reading to assisting in vocal restoration. If used ethically, this breakthrough could be applied in a plethora of positive ways.

The ugly:

Experts and laypeople alike have raised alarms about potential misuse for this technology, making fraudulent activities like unauthorized voice imitation and the creation of even more deceptive deepfakes even easier.

When will it be available? OpenAI, cognizant of the risks associated with Voice Engine, has opted for a cautious rollout, prioritizing responsible deployment and soliciting feedback from diverse stakeholders before putting this powerful tool in the hands of the public.


Microsoft and OpenAI are shooting for the stars, quite literally. ⭐️

What’s up? Microsoft and OpenAI are reportedly building a state-of-the-art data center, rumored to be named “Stargate,” housing a supercomputer with millions of advanced GPUs.

What’s a data center? Data centers are facilities equipped with a vast amount of computing resources specifically designed for AI workloads. This computing power provides the infrastructure necessary to train and deploy complex machine learning models and algorithms.

Why Stargate? The rapid adoption of generative AI technology has led to a sky-rocketing demand for AI data centers which are capable of handling more advanced tasks than traditional data centers. The Stargate data center is expected to cost “in excess of $115 billion”—100 times more costly than some of the biggest data centers existent today—and Microsoft is reportedly paying for the entire project. Stargate is scheduled for completion by 2028.

“We are always planning for the next generation of infrastructure innovations needed to continue pushing the frontier of AI capability.”

-Frank Shaw, Microsoft’s Chief Communications Officer


“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” (Elon Musk)

What’s up? Elon Musk’s xAI company is set to release Grok-1.5 this week.

Want more details? According to xAI, Grok-1.5 will first be made available to “early testers and existing Grok users” on the X platform in the coming days. The chatbot reportedly has “improved reasoning capabilities and a context length of 128,000 tokens”—which represents the amount of text the chatbot can process and store information about.

Why is this significant? Elon Musk has continually emphasized the importance of transparent, open-source AI development. This is underlined by his ongoing lawsuit against OpenAI and his move to make Grok’s code available to the public. This new release of Grok-1.5 does not yet surpass the performance of LLMs like Mistral, ChatGPT, and Claude 3, but it does mark a step in the right direction. Musk confirmed that this release is a significant milestone towards the release of Grok 2, which he believes will “exceed current AI on all metrics.”


People are discovering innovative (and sometimes wacky) ways to make money using AI. Check out today’s featured video:


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