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  • OpenAI fires Sam Altman...for now

OpenAI fires Sam Altman...for now

Good morning! Are you ready to munch on the latest AI updates and tools? Let’s dig in. 🍽️


(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, articles, videos, and more…)

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Meta’s new image and video editing tools 🦾

Entrée: Sam Altman gets fired from OpenAI 🤯

Dessert: TikTok’s new controversial trend 🤨


🌎 Earth atmo: An AI-powered weather forecasting tool that generates extremely accurate daily temperature, rain, and wind forecasts. → check it out

🕰️ History Timelines: Create timelines of historical events. → check it out

🍔 MealGenie: Find the next recipe for your specific diet. → check it out


Q: Why do people laugh at flightless birds?

A: They find them Emu-sing. 🐦

What’s new? In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI image editing tools, Meta has recently unveiled two groundbreaking additions to the arena: Emu Edit and Emu Video.

What are the new tools? Emu Edit, the first of Meta's offerings, allows users to describe desired edits, such as removing a person from an image, and the tool comprehends and executes the request without any user-defined selection. Trained on a vast dataset of 10 million synthesized samples, Emu Edit boasts flexibility in background manipulation, color adjustments, and geometry transformations. Complementing Emu Edit, Emu Video is a video editing tool that leverages the same powerful Emu model. With a focus on generative video creation from text prompts and the ability to transform still images into videos, Emu Video stands as a significant improvement over its predecessor, Make-A-Video.

When will it be available? While Meta has not specified the release date, the company emphasizes the tools’ integration into Facebook and Instagram as part of "fundamental research," hinting at their imminent implementation.


One of the biggest names in AI got canned, but he might be back! 😮

What happened? On Friday, OpenAI announced the firing of CEO Sam Altman, citing a lack of consistent candor in his communications with the board.

Why?! In a statement from the board of directors, they believed he had not been "consistently candid in communications" with them, and as a result they had "lost confidence" in his leadership. Rumors have been swirling about Altman using OpenAI’s research and inside resources to explore outside ventures, but there has been no clear statement of what caused the board to make this decision.

What’s next for Altman? Given his departure from OpenAI, Altman will not disappear from the AI scene. In fact, quite the opposite. He is reported to have explored collaborations with Jony Ive for the "iPhone of artificial intelligence" and remains a key player in Humane, the company which has recently launched its Humane AI Pin.

Who will replace Altman? OpenAI investors, notably Microsoft, are considering damage control measures. There are discussions about urging the board to reinstate Altman as CEO amid concerns of a potential talent exodus without his leadership. Until this vacancy is sorted out, the interim CEO will be Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati.



Oh man AI did me so wrong 😅 💕 Got to keep working and who knows 60 lbs less I would look like just a normal size person 🥰 and I would be ... See more

TikTok trends have gone artificial! 🤖

What’s going on? The latest TikTok trend has taken a concerning turn as users are now utilizing AI to manipulate photos and videos to present a skinnier version of themselves. The trend typically involves users showcasing their current appearance before presenting a series of AI-generated images depicting them as noticeably thinner.

Mixed reactions? Many users view these altered images as "motivation" for exercise and weight loss. In this way, the tool has been a positive resource for people who want extra motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. However, some people are raising alarms about the potential harm caused by this trend, perpetuating harmful stereotypes around body image, which can cause harm both physically through harmful diets and starvation and mentally through depression and body image disorders. Given both the positive and negative implications of such a trend, this serves as another instance of revealing how AI’s effect on humanity and individual well-being is not in the technology itself, but rather in how it is used and perceived.



The Singularity Meter drops 3%: Sam Altman gets fired from OpenAI

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