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  • Are we living in a "Terminator" universe?

Are we living in a "Terminator" universe?

A new week = fresh AI news! Let’s dive in. 👊

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Schwarzenegger says “Terminator” is a reality 🦾

Entrée: OpenAI to open global office in London 🏢

Dessert: AI investment advice is a long way off 💸


🌇 Colorify: An AI-tool for colorizing black and white images, bringing old photos to life. → check it out

✏️ Whatwordisthat: An AI-powered dictionary that helps writers find the right word quickly and accurately. → check it out

👨‍🚒 Adaptiv Academy: An AI-powered tool that helps individuals upskill and advance their careers. → check it out


When Arnold Schwarzenegger famously said, “I’ll be back,” he meant it. 🤖

What’s the deal? While speaking at an event in Los Angeles, the now 75-year-old movie star said that the AI world portrayed in the hit movie franchise, “Terminator” has “become a reality.” He also praised the writing of Jim Cameron who was able to foresee the future developments of AI.

Does Terminator really depict our reality? The Terminator universe portrays Arnold Schwarzenegger as a dangerous cyborg from the future, and the movie series imagines a universe where robots become self-aware and begin to take over. Does this sound like our reality? Not quite. Although AI advancements are moving quickly, it seems a Terminator universe is still a long way off.

Is the Terminator world actually possible? Experts remain convinced that a Terminator reality is highly unlikely, although they don’t rule it out entirely. Elon Musk, for example, commented, “There’s a non-zero chance of it going Terminator … [AI] has a small likelihood of annihilating humanity, but it’s not zero. We want that probability to be as close to zero as possible.”


Fry Guy’s fun fact: If you want french fries in London, you need to order “chips.” I hope the new OpenAI team doesn’t make this mistake and look like potato noobs! 🍟

What’s new? OpenAI has announced that it will establish its first international office in London.

Why London? London is known for its loaded talent pool and welcoming regulatory environment that will help enhance OpenAI’s research, engineering, and go-to-market functions. OpenAI plans for the London teams to work closely with local communities and policymakers, fostering collaboration on OpenAI’s mission to create and promote safe artificial general intelligence (AGI). As CEO Sam Altman said, “We’re excited about what the future holds and to see the contributions our London office will make towards building and deploying safe AI.”

What does this mean for OpenAI? The opening of this international office showcases OpenAI's dedication to expanding operations, embracing diverse viewpoints, and hastening its mission to ensure that AGI benefits humanity as a whole. The expansion of OpenAI in this way will demonstrates the company’s commitment to asserting itself as a world-leader in AI innovation.


AI is going to make investing much easier, but in order to do that, you’re gonna need some money to invest. 💰

What’s happening? JPMorgan Chase applied for a trademark for an AI-based product called, “IndexGPT," which is an AI service similar to ChatGPT but is aimed at helping customers understand how and where to invest money to best reach their financial goals.

How will IndexGPT work? According to JPMorgan Chase, IndexGPT will allow customers to navigate various investment opportunities seamlessly and get tailored recommendations based on their financial health and goals. IndexGPT will also guide customers on how to invest in these stocks and funds.

What are the concerns? If software like this becomes effective, financial advisors could be a thing of the past. Although some people might still prefer a human perspective, software like IndexGPT will have proven investment advice and possess the ability to run wide amounts of data through advanced algorithms to make market predictions which are much more consistently accurate than that of a human. It is also worth noting that as more banks launch their versions of IndexGPT or use JP Morgan Chase’s product, it will require that governments regulate ways to monitor the privacy data of customers, which remains a major concern for this development.

When will this be available? This process is going to take a while! JPMorgan Chase filed for the trademark of IndexGPT on May 11, 2023. It will hopefully get approval from the US Patent and Trademark Office within the next 12 months. After that, the company will have to develop and launch the product, which they say will take another 2-3 years. That being said, we are looking at a release sometime in 2027. However, that’s assuming nobody else takes this idea and finds a way to work around the trademark and release sooner.


The Fry Meter jumps significantly from 17.9% to 19.1%. AI Tools are being released at a ferocious pace. Government regulators cant’ keep up.

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