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  • Going Viral For All The Right Reasons: Getting Creative With OSSA AI

Going Viral For All The Right Reasons: Getting Creative With OSSA AI

Welcome to this week’s Deep-fried Dive with Fry Guy! In these long-form articles, Fry Guy conducts an in-depth analysis of a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) development or developer. Today, Fry Guy is exploring OSSA AI, a platform which allows users to create short-form videos from text prompts. We hope you enjoy!

*Notice: We do not gain any monetary compensation from the people and projects we feature in the Sunday Deep-fried Dives with Fry Guy. We explore these projects and developers solely for the purpose of revealing to you interesting and cutting-edge AI projects, developers, and uses.*


(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, and more…)

Imagine drinking your favorite cup of coffee …

Maybe you are drinking it right now. Your favorite cup of coffee has measurable ingredients that can be replicated and shared. Cole Gonzales, the creator of OSSA AI, believes the same can be done for viral video content.

OSSA AI is the ultimate platform for faceless short-form video creation.


The OSSA AI platform is built on principles learned over years of trial and error, hard work, and massive success from creator Cole Gonzales, who has garnered 7M+ followers across his social media accounts, including 5.8M on TikTok. This success has been primarily due to his mastery of short-form video content which he has woven into the fabric of the OSSA AI platform. It began through a vision to automate short-form video creation. Gonzales explains, “I basically attempted to reverse engineer the content creation process step-by-step [using my experience] based on what makes a video perform well and then learned how to build out that flow in code.” This marked the birth of OSSA AI.

When users enter the OSSA AI platform, they are guided to the video creation page. From here, users can customize their own faceless short-form videos by choosing from a set of voices, styles, pacing, and font color. The user can then type whatever text script they want to include in the video, making for a completely customizable end product.

“Our features are focused on user customization and diversity of content. We don’t want to trap everyone in this bubble of having the same content; as we have different types of users, we want them to create different types of content, display more creativity, and have different animations and transitions on the screen.”

-Cole Gonzales, OSSA AI CEO

Walking through the creation page is incredibly easy. As I was looking to create my own video for our AI newsletter, FryAI, I found myself struggling to decide which ElevenLabs-powered voice I wanted to use, as all of them are incredibly well-crafted and realistic. The available voices portray male, female, old, young, and accented options with varying tones and intensity. I ended up settling on “Richard,” which seemed like a light-hearted voice, perfect to display a video about our lighthearted newsletter, FryAI.

After settling on my voice, I was able to design which style or theme I wanted in the background of my video. An incredible feature of OSSA AI is that the backend AI takes keywords and phrases from the text scripts and chooses images which fit with the current theme. For example, if I mention “space” in my script, the video will include a space-themed background during that portion of the video! The currently available styles include themes like Heroic Fantasy, Medieval, Comic Book, Animated Cartoon, and more. Because AI is often thought of as a futuristic topic, I personalized my style as “Futuristic Sci-Fi” to fit the mood of my video.

From here, I got to control aspects of my short-form video such as font color and video pacing, which controls the frequency of image transitions throughout. In the future, Gonzales told FryAI that the platform will also include different types of subtitle fonts and animations. For my purposes, I chose an orange font for the subtitles, my favorite color, and thought the normal pace would allow for the smoothest message communication. Some videos, however, might be more eye-catching with a fast tone and others might better explain directions or complex text with a slower pace. As Gonzales says, “If you have a sad video, it might not be best to do fast paced because it might disrupt the emotions you are trying to convey, but if it’s something motivational, you might want it faster paced.” This speed adjustment can allow for a tailored viewing experience. Gonzales told FryAI that the videos will soon be able to display different types of movement as well, such as “panning, wiggling, or shaking” from frame to frame to hold viewer engagement in a unique way. Extraordinarily, this might eventually be done entirely by the backend AI, as it will be able to detect which emotions are being conveyed by the text and adjust the background movement accordingly. These refinements will continue to add contextual elements to the videos, providing people with built-in industry secrets to boost engagement.

After adjusting my video style, it was time to work on my script. My text script included two sentences (55 words) which predicted a 17 second video. The platform allows for up to 1,600 characters, resulting in a ~65-70 second video. If users struggle to come up with their own script or can’t find phrasing they are satisfied with, OSSA AI offers a built-in script review program through LanguageTool. This tool uses AI to detect grammar mistakes in the script and offers suggestions for improving it. Not to mention, it has a paraphrasing feature which allows users to evolve their thoughts into more simplified, smoother scripts with one click.

After perfecting my script, it was time to generate my short-form video. After a few minutes of processing, my customized video was created!

My new creation was automatically stored on my OSSA AI account and was also available for download to my personal files. In the future, Gonzales told FryAI he plans to integrate native posting from the platform for convenience, as if the process was not convenient enough already!


Video creation can be a difficult process, even with the best tools at one’s disposal. OSSA AI is built with this understanding and provides users with every opportunity to harness their creativity and find success.

Gonzales, a massively successful social media influencer, has become an undisputed expert at short-form video. One of the most helpful features of the OSSA AI platform is access to Gonzales’ short-form mastery course, which includes detailed tips on a wide range of content creation topics (access an exclusive preview of the course here). These courses cover things like how to write video scripts, how to select sounds, and how to analyze and improve your videos to create viral content.

The course content is extremely detailed and proven through specific examples from Gonzales’ career in content creation. Within the the course sections, Gonzales also teaches users how to apply his personal framework to the OSSA AI platform, providing users the information and resources necessary to create viral short-form video content and emphasizing that the value of AI is in using it as a tool to enhance creativity and not as a replacement of creativity altogether.

“I don’t want this tool to dilute human creativity … to be a tool where people write a prompt and click a button. Rather, I want this tool to be part of the content creation process, not just to do everything for users ... I want people to say ‘This is really cool, and it’s also mine.’”

-Cole Gonzales, OSSA AI CEO


As AI ushers in a new era of short-form video creation, we can expect to see a shift in the social landscape regarding both how we consume and create video content. One way this will be done is by shifting what tools content creators use. For instance, the AI-driven future of short-form video creation might spell out a diminishing role for video editing. Gonzales explained to FryAI, “Instead of trying to give people more control after the video is made, why don’t we go solve why we think we need to do that instead?” He continued, “I could either go [to] a video editor, or I could deprecate the need for video editing altogether.” Not to mention, many people have access to video editing tools but are left guessing how to use them to create optimal content. On the contrary, by weaving industry secrets into the video creation process and combining customization with AI, OSSA AI has provided a groundbreaking solution for video creators of all kinds. In this way, OSSA AI is set to enhance human creativity leading a revolution towards optimal video creation.

There is only one question that remains: Are you ready to go viral? … Because OSSA AI can take you there, for all the right reasons.