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AI's new medical resource

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Happy Wednesday! If you’re looking for a mid-week boost, you are in the right place. Our AI updates are a surefire way to energize your day. ⚡️

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(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, articles, videos, and more…)

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Researchers use AI to protect plants from harmful bugs 🪲

Entrée: A deepfake call from Joe Biden 📱

Dessert: AI’s new medical resource 🏥


📝 YouTube Summarizer: Quickly understand the key points and ideas presented in YouTube videos. → check it out

🎥 OneTake AI: Turn raw footage into a fully-edited professional presentation with a single click. → check it out

🐾 Pawtrait Studio: An app that turns humans into pets and pets into humans. → check it out


Q: What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

A: Bugs Bunny 🥕

What’s new? University of Minnesota researchers have discovered a way to couple satellite-based remote sensing with AI to battle against the soybean aphid, a bug that proves detrimental to plant growth.

What was found? The research, funded by the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center, used data from the Sentinel-2 satellite system to detect and classify soybean aphid infestations in commercial fields. By comparing satellite imagery with manual assessments of aphid presence, researchers demonstrated that satellite-based remote sensing can identify soybean plant stress caused by aphids. The breakthrough lies in the application of a machine learning algorithm, specifically a support vector machine, which can acutely analyze this data and accurately determine fields with high aphid infestations requiring insecticide application.

Why is this important? This innovation streamlines pest management for farmers who traditionally rely on laborious field walks and a keen eye to assess aphid levels. The findings promise economic and environmental benefits, fostering more sustainable soybean production and paving the way for efficient pest scouting methods going forward.


Politics: “Poly-” (many) “-tics” (blood sucking parasites). 😆

What happened? New Hampshire residents received a robocall purportedly from a deepfake President Joe Biden, urging them not to vote in the state’s Democratic presidential primary.

What is the concern? Most have concluded that the voice on the phone, which claimed to be Joe Biden, was an AI deepfake of his voice. Experts have continually emphasized the ease with which current AI programs can replicate voices with minimal audio samples, posing a significant threat to the integrity of public opinion. Others think AI is fair game to use as a weapon of public influence, as news networks have a similar aim in how they select and report stories. Nonetheless, as the 2024 general election approaches, we can surely expect to see AI deepfakes continually play a role on both sides of the isle.


Patient: “Doctor, doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation?”

Doctor: “Yes, of course.”

Patient: “Great! I never could before!” 🎻

What’s new? A collaboration of researchers from UCLA and UC Irvine has resulted in the creation of the Medical Informatics Operating Room Vitals and Events Repository (MOVER), a dataset containing information from surgeries that can be used to train and test AI models.

What’s the significance? One of the roadblocks to AI’s implementation into the medical field is the scarce amount of data available to train and test AI models. This is mostly due to a lack of access to authentic medical data amidst medical operation privacy rights. This new dataset, accumulated over seven years at UCI Medical Center (2015-2022), encompasses information from nearly 59,000 patients undergoing approximately 83,468 surgeries. Stripped of patient identifiers to comply with privacy laws, the repository covers a wide spectrum of surgeries, filling a critical gap in publicly accessible databases for AI algorithm development. Available to researchers under a data use agreement, MOVER aims to propel healthcare research and AI implementation by providing a comprehensive resource for training and testing AI models. If you are interested in more, the research team has published a paper outlining the database and its uses.


Our FryAI team sat down with Chris Estreich, co-founder of Anycall.ai, an AI-powered phone system that can mimic human conversations. Check out the interview below! 👇


The Singularity Meter Rises 0.9%: AI Models learn to hide deception

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