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  • AI's drinking problem 🍺

AI's drinking problem 🍺

It’s thirsty Thursday y’all, so grab your drinks and salty snacks as we jump into today’s AI news! 🍻

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: ChatGPT is closing the books on traditional tutoring 📚

Entrée: Biden and Sunak to discuss AI risks 🏛

Dessert: AI chatbots have a drinking problem 🍺


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A new survey by intelligent.com has found that, in light of the massive growth in AI chatbot technology, human tutors might just be a thing of the past!

Who was surveyed? The study compiles feedback from 3,017 high school/college students and 3,234 parents of younger, school-age students.

What were the results?

  • Of high school and college students who used both human tutoring and ChatGPT in the past academic year, 85% assert that ChatGPT surpasses traditional tutoring in effectiveness as a learning tool.

  • 96% of parents with school-age children are convinced that studying with ChatGPT generates superior learning outcomes for their children.

  • 39% of students and 30% of parents have completely replaced their tutoring sessions with ChatGPT.

  • 9/10 students express a preference for studying with ChatGPT over studying with a tutor.

  • Upon integrating ChatGPT into their study routine, 95% of student and parent respondents have witnessed improvement in academic grades.

What one takes away from these survey results is up to the individual, but the numbers are staggering and cannot be ignored. Some people push back on these survey results by asserting that a human tutor plays a vital role in providing structure and more personalized help, but ChatGPT’s 24/7 mobile availability, vast database, and nonjudgmental, conversational approach is clearly offering a life-changing tool for studying and tutoring. 🎓


Big-wigs are getting together to discuss big-wig things … including potential AI risks! 🤝

What’s happening? Amidst the recent, massively supported open letter from the Center for AI Safety which outlined the risks of unchecked AI development, British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced he will discuss these concerns in a meeting with Joe Biden in Washington next week. Sunak said, “People will be concerned by the reports that AI poses an existential risk like pandemics or nuclear wars—I want them to be reassured that the government is looking very carefully at this.” 🔎

Sunak and Biden, along with many world leaders, have heard the cries of major AI players for regulation. Sunak believes these concerns can only be solved by working together. He stated, “We’re only going to grapple with this problem and solve it if we work together not just with the companies, but with countries around the world.” Keep your eye out for more dialogue like this between world leaders as regulatory cries continue to be made. 🤝


Photo resourced from Indiatimes.com

Why do all good things have drawbacks? For example, why can’t french fries help me lose weight? 🍟

What’s the problem? The operation of large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s BARD produce a lot of heat, even in the coldest climates. Because of this, massive cooling efforts are necessary which can utilize enormous amounts of water. Not to mention, these servers can only be cooled by freshwater because the high salt content of ocean water could cause damage and corrosion to the machines.

Where is the water stored? The servers which run these chatbots work best between 10-27 degrees Celsius, and the way this is often done is by the use of large cooling towers. This water is released by the heat as vapor, therefore the water cannot be recycled.

How much are these bots drinking? During a 20-50 question conversation, these chatbots can guzzle up to 500mL of water! For every kilowatt-hour of electricity used, these cooling towers vaporize a gallon of water.

Many major AI companies have pledged to have sustainable solutions to this problem by 2030. What these solutions will look like is uncertain, but maybe they could ask a chatbot for some ideas! 🙃


Fears that AI will cause “Human Extinction” has put more pressure than ever for government regulation. It’s the first time we’ve dipped below 16%

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