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  • Is AI voting Democrat or Republican? 🇺🇸

Is AI voting Democrat or Republican? 🇺🇸

Good morning, spud buds! Grab your morning coffee (and french fries, of course) and let’s “ketchup” on the weekend news. 🍟

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Is AI voting Democrat or Republican? 🇺🇸

Entrée: Is AI spying on Apple? 👀

Dessert: AI fishing is helping preserve ocean health 🐠


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It seems almost nobody can resist involving themselves in politics, and now AI is stepping into the conversation! 🗣

Experts are sounding the alarm about the rise of AI-driven disinformation in politics, putting elections in the UK and US at risk of AI tampering.

Why are experts worried? As if “fake news” hasn’t been prevalent enough, experts believe AI is making matters worse. The use of AI is making it harder than ever to separate fact from fiction. From the creation of fake, AI-generated pictures of Donald Trump resisting arrest to fake videos of Joe Biden condemning transgender people, the ability for AI to create seemingly real news that goes viral is dangerous to elections and public opinion of potential candidates at all levels of political office. As Professor Jane Doe, an expert in AI ethics, puts it, "The use of AI to generate and amplify disinformation poses a significant threat to the integrity of democratic processes."

As a responsible member of a democratic society, it is vital to be aware of the abilities of AI to generate realistic pictures and fake videos which could easily seem authentic. It causes concern for upcoming elections and opens up a new battle in politics, one that is deeply entrenched in a war of AI. ⚔️


Did you know that there are robots spying on you? Apple does, and they are not happy about it. 🤖

What happened? Apple has restricted the use of ChatGPT within their company along with Microsoft's GitHub Copilot (which uses AI to automate software code). They are not the first big company to ban the use of ChatGPT. Earlier this year, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Verizon all banned the use of the AI-powered chatbot for employees.

Why is Apple worried? Apple fears that the AI programs could store and release confidential data about their company. OpenAI (the creator of ChatGPT) stores all chat history from interactions between the chatbot and users as a way to train the system and improve accuracy over time as well as allow OpenAI moderators to review any violations of the company's terms of service. While OpenAI released an option last month where users can turn off chat history, the company still has the right to monitor conversations for “abuse," retaining conversations for up to 30 days before deleting them permanently.

This restriction by Apple over potential data leakage raises concerns for individuals as well, which is one of the reasons Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, is calling regulation of this technology “crucial.” What information is being stored, and for what reasons? This seems to be cause for concern regarding the rapid growth of AI technology. 😬


Attention seafood lovers and ocean enthusiasts—AI is transforming fisheries worldwide! 🎣

What happened? A newly published AI algorithm has been used to estimate coastal fish stocks (the number of fish living in a given area) in the Western Indian Ocean with 85% accuracy.

How does it work? This new AI algorithm utilizes years of fish abundance data along with satellite measurements. These researchers have found success with this new tool in an area on the Western Indian Ocean tropical reefs, where there is a high dependency on fisheries. This technology is allowing researchers to quickly and accurately estimate coastal fish stock, all without setting foot in the water. 🏝

Why does this matter? Using this AI technology, large-scale fishers can gauge the health of fisheries and see whether those fisheries need time to recover or if they are ready to be fished. The recovery of fisheries allows them to be fished more sustainably, rather than depleting the area of vital natural resources. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) said that without this data, most fisheries are often operating blindly, without long-term plans to keep their waters healthy and productive. WCS believes that this new AI algorithm can change that. Tim McClanahan, director of Marine Science at WCS and co-author on this new study, states, "Our goal is to give people the information required to know the status of their fish resources and whether their fisheries need time to recover or not. The long term goal is that they, their children, and their neighbors can find a balance between peoples’ needs and ocean health.”

So next time you enjoy your seafood dinner, remember that AI might be playing a large part in bringing that food to the table in a sustainable way. 👍


The meter dropped 0.3% recently due to heightened calls for AI regulation.

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