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Why is AI detection struggling?

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Today marks a very special day, as we have surpassed 10,000 subscribers to our newsletter! Thank you for your commitment to FryAI. Our team is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share the latest AI updates with you every weekday. 🙏

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: AI detection goes back to the drawing board 😖

Entrée: Major publishers are planning to sue AI firms 🏛

Dessert: AI is helping us hunt for aliens 👽


⏰ History Timelines: This tool allows users to create timelines of historical events. Users can create their own custom timeline or view pre-verified timelines.→ check it out

👍 Spread Positivity Today: This AI tool helps users send customized notes with a personal touch.→ check it out

🤩 DoodleTale: Developed in collaboration with teachers, this tool helps children between 4-8 years with AI-driven interactive games, educational content, and guided creativity challenges. → check it out


In a word where AI-generated content is becoming more and more prevalent, AI detection is struggling to “ketchup.” 🍟

What’s up? Back in January, OpenAI released “AI Classifier,” a tool that would save the world by distinguishing what was written by a human and what was generated by AI, including what was generated by OpenAI’s own ChatGPT chatbot. Now, the firm has quietly unplugged this detection tool due to “its low rate of accuracy.”

Where does AI detection struggle? OpenAI called their AI Classifier "not fully reliable," saying that on a set of detailed tests, only 26% of AI-written text was identified as “likely AI-written,” and human-written text was falsely detected as AI-written 9% of the time. It struggled especially on small sample sizes, or texts less than 1,000 words where writing patterns were not as easy to recognize.

What is OpenAI doing to fix this? In an official statement, OpenAI said, “We are working to incorporate feedback and are currently researching more effective provenance techniques for text, and have made a commitment to develop and deploy mechanisms that enable users to understand if audio or visual content is AI-generated.”

What does this mean for AI detection? New tools are coming out almost daily that claim to detect AI content accurately, but as these tools continue to develop, so do the human-like features of the chatbots themselves! The battle seems to be fought on which feature can develop faster: the human-like nature of chatbots or the AI detection tools. 🦾


Q: Why didn’t the lawsuit last very long?

A: Because the lawyers had briefcases. 💼

What’s happening? Major news publishers, including the The New York Times, are considering legal action against prominent AI firms such as Google and OpenAI.

Why? These news outlets are expressing concerns over the unauthorized use of their content by AI-based platforms without proper attribution or compensation. The main worry seems to be the potential impact of AI on their website traffic originating from internet searches. The concern lies in AI chatbots extracting data directly from the webpages of these news sources and presenting it to users without proper attribution or links.

What will the lawsuit do? The potential lawsuit seeks to address these critical issues related to plagiarism, copyright infringement, and the need for regulatory frameworks governing AI-generated content. If successful, this legal challenge could have far-reaching implications for the AI industry, fostering an environment of responsible and ethical AI content creation while safeguarding the interests of news publishers.


If aliens exist, I wonder if they have a special form of french fries called “Mars fries” 🍟

What’s happening? Through the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) initiative, scientists and researchers are now using advanced AI and machine learning models to hunt for signs of alien life beyond our planet.

How does this work? Machine learning models can analyze huge datasets gathered by radio telescopes and other astronomical instruments, far beyond human capabilities. These models are designed to recognize patterns, anomalies, and unique radio signals that might indicate the presence of intelligent alien life. By training the AI on known astrophysical signals and differentiating them from potential extraterrestrial signals, scientists hope to increase the accuracy and sensitivity of their searches.

What does this mean? The integration of AI into the search for extraterrestrial intelligence signifies a paradigm shift in astrobiology and the quest to answer one of humanity's most profound questions: Are we alone in the universe? With the implementation of AI, we might be closer than ever to answering that question. 👀


The Singularity meter nudges up slightly by 0.01%. Things stay status quo in the regulatory space.

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