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AI chooses violence...

Good morning, and welcome to a fresh week of AI news, tools, and fun! Grab your salty snacks, and let’s get to it. 🍟

(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, articles, videos, and more…)

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Amazon launches awaited AI shopping assistant 🛒

Entrée: AI chooses violence in war simulations 😯

Dessert: Lainey Wilson testifies to Congress over AI voice 🎤


🛫 Let’s Trip: Craft personalized travel itineraries using AI. → check it out

🗣️ Press Hook: Generate a press release to perfect your announcement delivery and get more media exposure faster. → check it out

💙 Quotes AI: The ultimate destination for seamlessly creating and sharing captivating quote images. → check it out


I ordered a deck of cards from Amazon, and two weeks later it still hasn't arrived … Customer service told me they’re “dealing with it.” ♣️

What’s new? Amazon has unveiled Rufus, a cutting-edge shopping assistant powered by generative AI.

How does it work? Using information from Amazon’s vast product catalog, customer reviews, and web data, Rufus is designed to answer a myriad of shopping queries, offer product comparisons, and provide tailored recommendations within the Amazon shopping interface. Rufus enhances the shopping journey by enabling users to make more informed decisions. From broad inquiries about product categories to specific questions on durability or comparisons between items, Rufus seamlessly guides customers through their shopping journey. Moreover, it introduces features like AI-generated review summaries and Fit Review Highlights, which offers personalized size guidance for clothing purchases. With Rufus, customers can not only delve into comprehensive product research, but also shop by occasion, compare categories, and seek tailored recommendations.

When will Rufus be available? Initially launched in beta for a select group of U.S. customers through the mobile app, Rufus will gradually become available to a wider audience in the coming weeks.


I heard that you should always look into a mirror before making a big decision … It helps you reflect. 🪞

What happened? In a startling series of wargame simulations, OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models consistently opted for aggressive strategies, many times choosing to launch nuclear attacks.

How did it work? The study, led by Stanford University researchers, involved role-playing AIs as real-world countries in various scenarios. Surprisingly, even in neutral simulations, the AIs exhibited tendencies to invest heavily in military strength and escalate conflict risks.

What’s the significance? This test raises concerns about AI’s role in military decision-making, particularly as OpenAI, once opposed to military applications, now collaborates with the U.S. Department of Defense. The study’s results highlight the unpredictability of AI behavior and the potential challenges in implementing safety measures in significant situations like war. The researchers caution against trusting AIs with critical decisions about war and peace, emphasizing the continual need for human oversight in military applications of AI.

“Given that OpenAI recently changed their terms of service to no longer prohibit military and warfare use cases, understanding the implications of such large language model applications becomes more important than ever.”

-Anka Reuel, Ph.D. Student at the Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory


Q: What do you get when you play country music backward?

A: You get your wife back, your dog back, and your truck back. 🤠

What happened? Country music star Lainey Wilson testified in front of Congress during an AI hearing over the weekend.

What did she say? Wilson called for stricter regulations, copyrights, and penalties surrounding the non-consented use of artists’ voices and likeness. She emphasized the uniqueness of artists’ voices and likenesses, asserting that decisions regarding their use should be a personal choice, not dictated by AI companies or other individuals. She passionately conveyed the impact on musicians and their fans when AI-generated content uses their image and/or voice to misrepresent their values or endorse products contrary to their principles.

“I use my music and my voice to tell stories, to connect to my fans and to help them to connect to each other. My art is uniquely and literally me, my name, my likeness, my voice … I do not have to tell you how much of a gut punch it is to have your name, your likeness or your voice ripped from you and used in ways that you could never imagine or would never allow. It is wrong, plain and simple.”

-Lainey Wilson, country music star


People are discovering innovative (and sometimes wacky) ways to make money using AI. Check out today’s featured video:


The Singularity Meter rises 2.0%: AI stocks continue to explode in value

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