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"Absolutely no probability” of AI takeover

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Happy FRY-day! The grease is bubbling up, which means the news is extra crispy today—time to dig in. 🍟

Every day, data brokers profit from your sensitive info—phone number, DOB, SSN—selling it to the highest bidder. And who’s buying it? Best case: Companies targeting you with ads. Worst case: Scammers and identity thieves.

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Help protect yourself from identity theft, spam calls, and health insurers raising your rates. Plus, just for our readers: Get 60% off the Incogni annual plan at this link with code PRIVACY.


(The mystery link can lead to ANYTHING AI related. Tools, memes, articles, videos, and more…)

Today’s Menu

Appetizer: Amazon’s new AI packaging and delivery process 📦

Entrée: AI creates new chemical materials 🧪

Dessert: “Absolutely no probability” of AGI within 12 months 🙅‍♂️


🛋️ Design My Room: Take a photo with your iPhone and AI will redesign your room in seconds. → check it out

📈 Stonks News: Allows users to search for news related to the top 100 stocks, insider transactions, and popular stocks using information from Reddit. → check it out

🤭 RoboMUA: A mobile app that uses AI technology to analyze skin shade and recommend personalized beauty products. → check it out


AI is taking Amazon Prime to a whole new level. 🦾

What’s new? Amidst a record-setting Cyber Monday, Amazon has used the power of AI to revolutionize its delivery system, boasting its swiftest dispatch time ever.

How does AI help? Amazon has used AI to predict the region of certain orders based on past purchasing patterns, making sure inventory is strategically stored in the optimal locations. Additionally, the recently implemented robotics system, Sequoia, accelerates inventory identification and storage by 75%, reducing order processing time by 25%. Amazon claims packages are prepared within 11 minutes of order placement at same-day facilities, an hour faster than traditional centers. Amazon’s AI then analyzes delivery routes, adapts to real-time conditions, and forecasts daily demand for over 400 million products globally, enhancing delivery efficiency during the holiday rush.

What about jobs? Despite concerns about job displacement, Amazon asserts that AI and automation have spawned 700 new job types related to robotics, emphasizing a harmonious synergy between people and machines.


The “A-Lab” uses AI-guided robots to mix and heat ingredients to synthesize new materials. Photo: Marilyn Sargent/Berkeley Lab

AI is in the lab, creating new chemical materials. This means we are one step closer to the ultimate AI-created French fry! 🍟

What happened? New research revealed that Google DeepMind has used AI to predict the structures of more than two million new chemical materials, and the researchers have taught a robot to make them through an AI-guided chemical process.

How does it work? According to the research, the AI-driven system, known as the “A-Lab,” devises recipes for materials. Then, it carries out the synthesis and analyses the products, all without human intervention.

Why is this important? Traditional material discovery is both costly and time-intensive. For instance, lithium-ion batteries required two decades of research before commercial availability. DeepMind's AI, trained on data from the Materials Project, aims to expedite the process, drastically shortening the 10 to 20-year timeline for material discovery. The company plans to share its data with the research community, fostering collaboration for further breakthroughs in material science. This new system opens avenues for advancements in real-world technologies, with nearly 400,000 of the proposed materials poised for laboratory testing. Potential applications include the development of high-performance batteries, solar panels, and computer chips.


Are robots taking over the world? According to Microsoft president Brad Smith, we still have at least another year of human control. 🙏

What happened? In a recent statement, Microsoft’s President, Brad Smith, dismissed concerns about the imminent creation of super-intelligent AI within the next 12 months.

What did he say? Addressing reporters in Britain, Smith refuted claims that the Microsoft-backed OpenAI had developed an AI posing a threat to humanity. “I don’t think that is the case at all,” he asserted, emphasizing that there’s “absolutely no probability” of witnessing the emergence of what is often referred to as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) within the coming year.

“There's absolutely no probability that you’re going to see this so-called AGI, where computers are more powerful than people, in the next 12 months.”

—Brad Smith, President of Microsoft

What about safety? While acknowledging that achieving AGI might take years, if not decades, Smith emphasized the importance for thorough consideration of safety implications as the technology evolves.


Congrats to our subscriber, Michel! 🎉

Michel gave us a fresh and crispy and commented, “Love your stories and summaries, thank you.”

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